Code of conduct
Pace of play
Refunds & withdrawls
The IJGT takes great pride in the quality of its players, host facilities, and broad community involvement at each event. To continue offering a high quality, enjoyable experience for everyone, all members are required to follow a set of guidelines known as the “Player Code of Conduct.” These guidelines help IJGT promote growth and maturity of participants by understanding and accepting consequences of their actions. The “Player Code of Conduct” is to be followed throughout the junior’s membership.
The use of any of these substances on or off the golf course will be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct resulting in disqualification and/or suspension of IJGT Membership at the Tour’s absolute discretion.
It is the intent of the IJGT to acknowledge each player’s individuality. However, tournament players must wear proper golf attire while at the golf facility. Shirts must be of appropriate golf style and tucked in at all times. No tank tops or t-shirts. Women’s shirts must be worn in a manner whereby the shirt does not rise above the belt line at any time during the swing. No tight jeans or cut-offs. Women’s shorts must be no more than five (5) inches above the knee; the inseam must measure at least five (5) inches. Boys may not have body piercings or wear earrings. Tattoos must be covered at all times. Hair must be neatly kept in a professional manner. Hats/visors should be worn with the brim forward; males must remove hat/visor while indoors. Headphones, mp3 players, etc. are prohibited during play. The IJGT staff reserves the right to determine the acceptability of all golf attire worn while in competition. If a player is found to be in violation of the aforementioned policies, the IJGT staff may request the player to remedy the infraction prior to competing. If the player is unable to come into compliance with the dress code policy, he/she may be asked to leave the tournament and subsequently be disqualified from competition.
Abusive or inappropriate language; disrespectful behaviors towards officials, volunteers or golf professionals; throwing or breaking golf equipment; any form of cheating; leaving the golf course without properly notifying an official during a tournament round; and abuse of the golf course in any way will be considered Code of Conduct violations. A one-stroke penalty will be enforced by the IJGT for any behavior on the golf course it deems unsportsmanlike. A second offense will result in automatic disqualification from the tournament and possible suspensions from future events. Caddies are prohibited.
Do not solicit advice from a spectator or coach.
“Advice is any counsel or suggestion which could influence a player in determining your play, choice of club or method of making a stroke.”
Penalty for breach of this rule is two-strokes on the player (USGA Rule 8-1). Talking to spectators and coaches during tournament play is not allowed and can be construed as receiving advice.
Abusive or inappropriate language; disrespectful behaviors towards officials, volunteers or golf professionals; throwing or breaking golf equipment; any form of cheating; leaving the golf course without properly notifying an official during a tournament round; and abuse of the golf course in any way will be considered Code of Conduct violations. A one-stroke penalty will be enforced by the IJGT for any behavior on the golf course it deems unsportsmanlike. A second offense will result in automatic disqualification from the tournament and possible suspensions from future events. Caddies are prohibited.
Parents and spectators are extremely important to the IJGT. We encourage all to come out on the golf course to view the competition. Please note that in accordance with the IJGT Spectator Code of Conduct parents, guardians, and spectators are required to allow participants to compete without giving any advice or counsel to them during the stipulated round (USGA Rule 8-1), knowing that a violation may cause a two-stroke penalty against their participant without warning. This includes any conversation between player/spectator in their native language.
“Advice is any counsel or suggestion which could influence a player in determining your play, choice of club or method of making a stroke.”
Penalty for breach of this rule is two-strokes on the player (USGA Rule 8-1). Talking to competitors during tournament play is not allowed and can be construed as giving advice.
1 stroke for the first offense
2 strokes for the second offense Penalty of Disqualification for the 3rd offense under USGA Rule 6-7
**The only exception to this policy is if the player is physically injured / has fallen ill and cannot play or in the case of emergency. In the event of an injury or illness a doctor’s note is required and a $30 processing fee will be charged**
The in-house credit will not roll over to the following season. It must be redeemed by August 1st of the current season year.
If the Tournament Director is unable to determine if a player has a legitimate reason for withdrawing from a tournament they will rule the withdrawal questionable. The Tournament Director and the player will sign the Withdrawal Form and (WD) will be listed next to the player’s name in the tournament results. The Tournament Director will report the withdrawal to the IJGT Review Board and a questionable withdrawal will be recorded in the player’s history.
If a player receives three questionable withdrawals, his/her IJGT Membership will be suspended and the player will not be eligible for year-end honors.
This is a serious breach of the IJGT Withdrawal Policy and the Tournament Director will rule the withdrawal unjustified. The Tournament Director and the player (if available) will sign the Withdrawal Form and (WD or DQ 6-3a) will be listed next to the player’s name in the tournament results depending on the nature of the situation. The Tournament Director will report the withdrawal to the IJGT Review Board and the player will immediately be withdrawn from his next event. For a second offense, the player’s membership will be suspended and the player will not be eligible for year-end honors. The player will be removed from all future tournaments he/she is signed up for, and all deposits will be forfeit.
©Copyright International Junior Golf Tour